End of Day Archives

Thank You, Carping About Carrier, Bias In Your Breakfast

Thank You

President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence kicked off a "Thank You" tour last night with a huge rally in Cincinnati, Ohio. The whole event was incredible. You can watch it here.

Here are some excerpts of Trump's remarks that I want to share with you.

On putting America first, Trump said this:

Immigration As A Weapon, Hope & Change, Democrats Debate Future

Immigration As A Weapon

Monday's attack in Columbus, Ohio, by a Somali Muslim whose family migrated to Pakistan and then to America once again demonstrates that we are not adequately vetting immigrants. This is not an insignificant issue.

Commerce & Treasury Picks, Already Delivering, Speaking Of Appeal. . .

Commerce & Treasury Picks

The Trump transition team today announced the selections of Wilbur Ross and Steve Mnuchin as Commerce and Treasury secretaries. Both men have extensive business backgrounds and greatly compliment Trump's commitment to revitalize the American economy.

Dr. Price To HHS, Are We Learning?, The Left's Sickness

Dr. Price To HHS

This morning, President-elect Trump announced his selection of Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) to be secretary of Health and Human Services. This is a crucial appointment given that HHS is one of the largest federal departments, with 78,000 employees.

The appointment of Rep. Price, who currently serves as chairman of the House Budget Committee, also sends a strong signal that Trump's commitment to repeal Obamacare is ironclad.

Be Thankful

Be Thankful

As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, millions of Americans are hitting the roads or heading to airports to be with friends and family. I love this uniquely American holiday. But it's not just a day off of work, a day devoted to parades and football, not even turkeys and pumpkin pies.

As the name implies, it is about giving thanks to God for the blessings we enjoy.

Trump's First 100 Days, Fake Hate

Trump's First 100 Days

Ironically for a 70-year-old populist, Donald Trump brilliantly harnessed the power of social media to get his message out during the presidential campaign. Eschewing big money ad buys and network sit-downs, Trump re-wrote the rules of campaigning by talking directly to the American people.

And he's showing every indication of continuing to do that sort of direct engagement during his presidency. The latest example is in the form of a short video Trump released yesterday.

Attacking Sessions, Still In Love With Obama, More Cop Killings

Attacking Sessions

This weekend saw a ramping up of attacks against Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, whom President-elect Donald Trump has tapped to be attorney general. The substance of those attacks is that Sessions is a neo-Confederate, racist, misogynist, anti-immigrant obstructionist, as one leftwing headline put it.

Trump's First Picks, Obama Encourages Demonstrators, Real Anti-Semitism

Trump's First Picks

The Trump Transition team announced its first cabinet picks this morning.

  • Senator Jeff Sessions, a stalwart conservative from Alabama, has been selected to be attorney general.

    Sessions has been a leading critic of Barack Obama's "pen and phone" governing style and his barrage of executive orders. Trump's selection of Sen. Sessions is further evidence of his intention to secure the border.

BREAKING NEWS, Rediscovering Federalism, Left Coast Insanity


Sources at NBC News say that Mitt Romney will meet this weekend with President-elect Trump to discuss serving as Secretary of State. This is a surprising development given Romney's actions and statements in the past year. If the reports are accurate, it would be a very magnanimous gesture on Trump's part that could go a long way toward healing divisions in the Republican Party.

Draining The Swamp

Fighting The Left-wing Smear Machine, More Media Myths, Anti-Semitism On The Rise

Fighting The Left-wing Smear Machine

Yesterday, I wrote at length about the left's attempt to smear former Breitbart CEO and top Trump strategist Steve Bannon. It is nothing more than a pre-emptive strike against those in the new administration who will most aggressively fight the left's agenda.
