End of Day Archives

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Obama Promotes Rice & Power 

News broke this morning that National Security Advisor Tom Donilon will resign next month. President Obama will be promoting U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to replace him. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

"I Am A Born-Free American" 

Today the House Ways and Means Committee heard testimony from Americans victimized by the heavy-handed tactics of the IRS. One of the most moving statements came from Becky Gerritson,president of the Wetumpka Tea Party in Alabama. This excerpt of her remarks should be read by every American who cares about preserving our liberties: 

Monday, June 3, 2013

IRS Scandal: Washington Knew 

As more details emerge, the IRS scandal is getting worse. Two weeks ago, apologists for the administration attempted to blame the IRS targeting of Tea Party, conservative and Christian ministries on "two rogue agents" in a Cincinnati, Ohio, office. It was a laughable suggestion then. Now it looks like another deliberate attempt to mislead Congress and the American people. Here are some updates on the growing scandal: 

Friday, May 31, 2013

IRS Scandal Grows 

Earlier this month, Washington was rocked when the IRS admitted to and apologized for targeting Tea Party and Patriot groups. But a report from McClatchy Newspapers suggests that the IRS effort to target conservatives may have been much broader.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Media Turn On Holder 

Attorney General Eric Holder's attempt at damage control appears to be backfiring. Holder was scheduled to hold "off the record" meetings with key members of the media today and tomorrow to repair frayed relations stemming from the Associated Press and Fox News scandals. But leading outlets are refusing to attend. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Scandal Update 

Here are the latest developments in the various scandals surrounding the Obama Administration. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Perjury In Holder's Future? 

Attorney General Eric Holder may be in hot water. The House Judiciary Committee is investigating whether Holder committed perjury during his testimony on the Associated Press phone records scandal two weeks ago. 

During an exchange with Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) on whether the Justice Department could use the 1917 Espionage Act to prosecute reporters, Holder said: 

Friday, May 24, 2013

I will share some reflections on Memorial Day in a few hours, but as we head into this holiday weekend there are some important news items I want to comment on. Here are some brief thoughts on the headlines. 

Obama Declares War On Terror Over 

Memorial Day Message

Patriot Graves 

Of all the dangers facing our country, perhaps the greatest danger of all is the one that still doesn't make many headlines -- our collective national amnesia.  Our history textbooks are sanitized to be politically correct and give our children little sense of the greatness of the nation they live in.  The Founders are seldom mentioned unless it is part of a controversy about slavery or some other scandal. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013
Islam In Europe 

Peaceful, tolerant, socialist Sweden has been stunned by four nights of rioting in predominantly Muslim neighborhoods of Stockholm. One police spokesman said, "We have never had this kind of riots before in Stockholm, not this amount of riots and not this number of hot areas." 

According to a BBC report, mobs of youth are starting fires, burning cars or shops, and then waiting "for emergency services to attend a fire before attacking them." That is a tactic commonly used by Palestinian jihadists.
